Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Odyssey Blog 5

I haven't had much time to read, so i have only gotten to book 9, but the book is getting more interesting as i read on. Just to give a recap as to what happened, Odysseus is staying with this royal King and Queen and they have offered to get him a ship so that he can continue on his journey to his homeland. Then, Alcinous calls a feast and a game to honor Odysseus. Odysseus originally was hesitant to fighting in the game, but then he is insulted by Broadsea who says: "I never took you for someone skilled in games..." (196: 185). After Broadsea says this to Odysseus, Odysseus quickly changes his mind about not participating in the game and decides to play the games. After they play for a while, Odysseus is invited back for a feast and receives many gifts from the people of the city to take with him on his journey. While they were at the feast, Demodocus, a blind man, began singing about the Trojan War and this made Odysseus very sad. So, Alcinous told Demodocus to stop playing his song because their guest was unhappy. Then, Alcinous asked Odysseus what his name was and to tell him why he became so upset when he heard about the fall of Troy.

This ending is a cliffhanger because i don't know whether Odysseus will tell them the truth or not and how the people will react to his response.

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