Monday, January 19, 2009

Twilight 3- Last ONE!

I just finished twilight and it was such an intense last couple of chapters. By the end of the novel, Bella gets tricked into a phone call from the evil vampire thinking it was her mom, but it was only a recording. She goes to the ballet studio where the vampire is supposedly holding her mom captive and there is a huge scene there. The vampire tricked her so that he could suck her blood, but before he got to, Edward came to save Bella. he came and Bella was almost dead because of the venom that the evil vampire had put into her, so he had to suck her blood. This was so intense because Edward could not control himself, but he finally found something inside of him that told him to stop and he did just before Bella almost died. The next day, Bella was in the hospital because she had been badly hurt, but Edward said something very sweet to her. He said that he would not have turned her into a vampire because she is lucky enough to live a normal life and to be a normal human being which is something that he'll never have the chance to be. Bella still doesn't quite understand Edward, but she knows that she wants to be with him for the rest of her life.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Twilight 2

I am continuing on my reading of twilight and am on the middle of chapter 14. Bella and Edward are having a romantic scene in the forest and it was impossible to put the book down! My favorite quote from the recent reading i have done is when Bella watches Edward in amazement as he quickly moves from tree to tree and thinks: "He'd never been less human . . . or more beautiful" (264). In my opinion, this quote shows lot about how gorgeous and perfect Edward is and how uncontrollable Bella's love for him is becoming. Also while reading, i love when they spend an entire page comparing the love that Edward has towards Bella to someone who is addicted to heroin. This seems interesting because i feel like Edward is trying to say that she is his addiction and that he is constantly thinking of her and constantly wanting to be with her.

So far i am really enjoying this book and i am beginning to read it before i go to bed and i can't put it down! I am in love with Edward Cullen and he is the ideal man that i want in my life. I am so jealous of Bella! Even though her and Edward are really cute together! :)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Twilight 1

I have now finished the Odyssey, but the reason it took me so long is that i have been reading twilight as well! I first saw the movie twilight, and thought that it was amazing and began obsessing over it, but now i am reading the book, and it is way better than i could have ever imagined!

I'm going to just give a little background as to who the main characters are in the novel. Bella is the main character who is also the narrator. She is a shy, timid girl who used to live with her mom in Phoenix, but had to move to her dad's house which is in a town called Forks. The boy that Bella falls in love with in Forks is named Edward. He is very good looking and has a certain attitude that draws Bella in. At first, Bella didn't know that Edward was a vampire, but as the book continues, she eventually finds out, but that doesn't stop her from loving him.

I am currently about half way done with Twilight and i am in love with Edward, which is not a surprise at all! I am at the part where Edward takes Bella up to the woods/mountains area to show her what he looks like in the sunlight and Bella just stares at him in amazement because of his beauty.

Friday, January 2, 2009

The Odyssey Blog 7

I have just finished book 12 of the Odyssey and i am also half way through Twilight. For this blog, i am mainly going to focus on the Odyssey because this will be my last blog on that book. The last time that i blogged, i was just finishing book 11 and a lot has happened in this final chapter that i am reading. 

In the story that Odysseus is telling the king and queen, Odysseus has continued on his voyage home to Ithaca. Before he returns, he stops to see Circe, and she tells him of all the obstacles that he will have to face before he reaches his home. On his trip home, Odysseus and his troops get into many tough obstacles but one that caused the most issues was when Zeus caused a huge storm that ruins the ship and kills all the men on the boat, except for Odysseus. Odysseus survives the huge storm and the storm moves him all the way back to the Ogygia which is Calypso's island. 

This is the end of book 12 and i saw on Mrs. Jarrett's earlier blog posts that the rest of the class didn't read books 13-24, but separate groups read one book and then picked out important parts from the reading. So, i am going to read those posts online, so that i will know what happens in books 13-24.

Now i can read Twilight! :)