Monday, January 19, 2009

Twilight 3- Last ONE!

I just finished twilight and it was such an intense last couple of chapters. By the end of the novel, Bella gets tricked into a phone call from the evil vampire thinking it was her mom, but it was only a recording. She goes to the ballet studio where the vampire is supposedly holding her mom captive and there is a huge scene there. The vampire tricked her so that he could suck her blood, but before he got to, Edward came to save Bella. he came and Bella was almost dead because of the venom that the evil vampire had put into her, so he had to suck her blood. This was so intense because Edward could not control himself, but he finally found something inside of him that told him to stop and he did just before Bella almost died. The next day, Bella was in the hospital because she had been badly hurt, but Edward said something very sweet to her. He said that he would not have turned her into a vampire because she is lucky enough to live a normal life and to be a normal human being which is something that he'll never have the chance to be. Bella still doesn't quite understand Edward, but she knows that she wants to be with him for the rest of her life.

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